Materials Used:
Penny Black; Madison 80-001, Tagged 51-007, Dots 51-009, Sweet as Honey 30-145, Kate's Alphabet 30-168
Design Memory Craft Faber Castell; Designer Tropical and Dark Blue Gelatos, Dark Chrome Yellow, Orange Glaze, Leaf Green, Light Cobalt Turquoise Big Brush Pens and Mini Journal.
Other Products; Spellbinders Labels Twenty, Colourbox Q Yellow pigment ink, Clear Embossing powder, Versafine Onyx Black Ink, Light Modelling paste.
If you would like to see more inspiration using Penny Black and Design Memory Craft Faber Castell products, hop on over to the Penny Black Blog here.
I will be back tomorrow with the next two pages, enjoy the rest of your day. To see the album from the beginning click here.
Hugs Cathy